Coaching FAQs

Are there professional standards for the coaching industry?     

Yes, there is a code of ethics, core competencies, accreditation processes and an International Coach Federation (ICF) that promotes the advancement of coaches. To learn more about the ICF, click here:

You can read the ICF Code of Ethics here:

It's important to note that coaching is not advice giving, and it is not a replacement for psychotherapy, business or financial advice, legal counsel, or medical advice.  Clients are always responsible for their own decisions, actions and results.

What is the difference between coaching and therapy? 

Check out the ICF Coaching Assessment Map to see the difference between coaching, consulting, mentoring, psychotherapy and training.  Just let me know if you have any questions.

ICF Coaching Assessment Map

How will I know you are the right coach for me?

During our initial conversations and/or discovery session, together we will identify if this is an appropriate fit. So, before you say "yes," you will have a sample of what the coaching experience will be like. Until then, click on the 'Meet Your Guide' page of my website to learn more about me, my background, and my approach.  Meet Your Guide

Core foundations of my coaching/training/consulting methodologies are:

  • Ontological - Deeply grounded and practical understanding of language, body, moods and conversations for behavioral and cultural transformation.
  • Brain-based - Draws from the science of how the brain works and provides practical tools to help improve thinking and performance.
  • Appreciative Inquiry – Engages stakeholders in collective inquiry into the best of what is, in order to imagine what could be, followed by collective design of a desired future state that is compelling and thus, does not require the use of incentives, coercion or persuasion for change to occur.

This is transformative work that leads to breakthrough results.  You will feel inspired, empowered, and ready to take action.

How do I get started in the coaching process?

I have a very limited number of spots for one-on-one coaching.  If you are interested in beginning the coaching process, please click below to purchase an Empowered Leader Discovery and Breakthrough Session.  This session will help you clarify your challenges and goals, and create a vision for what you truly want.  I will explain how I work with clients, and together we will assess whether we are a good fit for working together and would then further explore the details of the coaching relationship.

What can I expect from you as my coach?

As your coach, you can expect me to:

  1. Have a genuine interest in your success and be a partner in bringing out the best, the deepest, and the truest in you.
  2. Show up with honesty and authenticity.
  3. Provide safety, encouragement and support; an environment in which you can relax and explore.
  4. Expand your view of what is possible and promote discovery of new insights.
  5. Give you input, straight feedback and operate as a sounding board.
  6. Listen carefully to what you say and ask questions that increase awareness.
  7. Be a resource for you in accomplishing your intentions.
  8. Conduct myself in accordance with the International Coach Federation (ICF) Code of Ethics, and to respect your confidentiality.

What will you expect from me, as your client?

I expect that you, as my client will:

  1. Cultivate a core honesty with yourself.
  2. Commit yourself to intentions that are truly meaningful and significant to you.
  3. Be open to my feedback, and keep me honestly informed about what is and is not working for you.
  4. Commit to stretching yourself, and practice new thoughts, emotions and behavior.
  5. Invite feedback from others about how they experience you.
  6. Take ownership of your progress and your results.
  7. Take responsibility for your coaching time, and give adequate notice if we need to reschedule an appointment.
  8. Take financial responsibility for your coaching engagement, and promptly submit payment of fees by the due dates.

What is included in the monthly coaching package?

Coaching packages include a number of in-person or virtual coaching sessions per month, the time your coach spends preparing for those sessions and debriefing/note-taking afterward, access to a Private Client Website that keeps all of your coaching program information in one place, email consultation in between scheduled coaching sessions via the website Client Log, and phone/text consultation for an urgent question or if you desire a brief sounding board.  The process includes Pre-session Preparation Forms and Post-session Recaps that enhance and anchor the benefits of your coaching, and help us to make the most of our time together.  These also create a 'journaling' of your progress and success.  Depending on what is appropriate for your needs, a range of assessment instruments are available and books will be recommended for you to read.  Websites, articles, handouts and other resources are offered depending on the goals and needs of each client.

What if I sign up for this and decide it is not right for me?

Through the Discovery and Breakthrough Session process you will get a good feel for me and how I work with clients.  Coaching packages are for a minimum of 3 months, and we will have a written Coaching Agreement that outlines the terms of that mutual commitment.  We will be continually checking in with each other about how the coaching process is going for both of us.  Upon completion of the initial term, we will evaluate your progress against your goals and determine the appropriateness of continuing or concluding the process.  Both the Coach and the Client have the right to terminate the coaching relationship at any point during the process, and pro-rated prepaid fees would be refunded to the Client.


Are you ready
to achieve the breakthrough results you have been longing for?

If Yes, click below to purchase a
75-minute Empowered Leader Discovery and Breakthrough Session
to identify your seeming blocks
and get clarity about your goals and next steps


I look forward to talking with you about how you and your team can achieve the breakthrough results you have been longing for.


Tax Deductible:  In the USA, all expenses of continuing education undertaken to maintain and improve business and professional skills are tax deductible.  Contact your tax professional for further information and clarification.